Consulting Services

There are a variety of record management services out there. SAMStore's free consultancy service makes it easy to understand what you need - and what you don't need to pay for.

You might, for example, be looking to save valuable office space by moving your storage requirements offsite. Our record management consultants can help you decide what really needs to be stored, what can be destroyed and whether you need standard storage or deep storage, which is more economical.

You may, on the other hand, be wanting to scan documents and records of particular value and store others. We can advise on the legal requirements involved and plan a cost-effective migration strategy.

You could have an ongoing document management need with different requirements for different records. Once again, we can give you valuable advice on the optimum way of collecting, storing - and retrieving - documents.

Quite simply, whatever your question about record management or document management, we will have the answers to your business needs.

Need Help? Can’t find what you’re looking for? Here are some frequently asked questions.