Document Scanning

Alongside our traditional document management service, SAMStore provides an expert and comprehensive document scanning service.

Scanning documents, either individually or in batches, lets you access the most important documents in your archive quickly and easily from your desktop. We can transfer, for example, the digitally scanned images of as many as 20,000 documents onto a single compact disk using our document scanning system. Accessible in a database format that can be tailored to your precise requirements, it means you can keep hard copies offsite yet still have the same information onsite, using a fraction of the space.

On-demand document scanning

There is sometimes a temptation for document scanning to be applied to every record and file a company moves to offsite storage. The advantage is that the records can be moved to deep storage immediately, with the comprehensively indexed digital files then accessible and available to everyone easily.

Many companies and organisations find, however, that the advantages of document scanning apply to only around 5% of their documents. The other 95% are rarely required. Unless you have a particular need to access your documents regularly, we would therefore recommend that you use our document scanning service on an on-demand basis, choosing your most important archive records only. We can provide advice on this aspect of document scanning as required.

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